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Current Projects


Bangalow to Yelgun

Status: Access approved by UGL and TfNSW. Full study of line complete. Degradation Plan Complete. Awaiting busienss plan and consultation plan from Northern Rivers Rail Limited.


Plan: Application for full access licence


Note: Project is in partnership with Northern Rivers Railway Limited and Northern Regional Railway Limited.

Armidale to Wallangarra

Status: Degradation studies complete - Armidale to Glen Innes and Bluff Rock to Wallangarra. Glen Innes to Deepwater in progress. Application for minor access licence for Deepwater to Bluff Rock in planning phase.   


Plan: Reopen line to Glen Innes. Create a rail park between Bluff Rock and Wallangarra. â€‹â€‹


Status: Business plans being developed in consultation with New England Railway Inc as the project lead. 


Note: Current open for investment partners. 



Current as at 9 August 2023

903/50 Clarence St,

Sydney NSW 2000

ACN: 639 775 787

ABN: 47 639 775 787


" @2023 NRRC

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